
This is a summary of a study originally published in ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research. Mold infections spread from one to other parts of the body and can infect other body parts. We need to understand what makes people more likely to get this type of mold infection (called invasive mold infection). This summary may help doctors to understand the risks that can relate to invasive mold infections. The main risks in people with invasive aspergillosis (shortened to IA) and invasive mucormycosis (shortened to IM) were: ○diabetes (high blood sugar and associated conditions), ○lung disease (such as tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder), ○blood-related cancers (such as leukemia, lymphoma), and ○solid organ transplant (removing an organ from one person and placing in another person). People with the risks listed above may be more likely to get invasive mold infections. People with these risks should talk to their doctor about invasive mold infections. Being aware of these risks may help doctors to be aware of which people are at risk of invasive mold infections.

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