
Introduction: The way of life in modern society goes along with new technological discoveries and achievements. This lifestyle leaves its positive and negative consequences on children. Such changes are especially reflected on health already in earliest stages of life. The studies show that most children have been using computers even since kindergarten and that children’s computer use is longer than recommended. It is more effective and cheaper to prevent musculoskeletal disorders than to cure them. Goal: To examine all risk factors concerning the development of musculoskeletal disorders connected with a long use of information and communication technologies by reviewing scientific literature. Material and methods: Non-experimental qualitative research into the risk factors of the development of musculoskeletal disorders connected with a long use of information and communication technologies based on relevant databases. Results and discussion: Based on a discussion of the attitudes and opinions of other authors, risk factors are divided in three basic groups: ergonomic, individual, and psychosocial risk factors. As it is shown in the discussion of this paper, a disbalance of the desk for a desktop computer, the non-ergonomic design of the furniture, the type and time of the ICT usage device, the sedentary way of using the ICT devices at school and at home are just some of the numerous risk factors to children’s health. Conclusion: By examining the risk factors in the development of musculoskeletal disorders in children connected with an extended use of information and communication technologies, the presented evidence in the discussion section based on other authors’ attitudes and opinions, leads us to the conclusion that numerous risk factors that affect children’s health are due to a larger and more frequent use of computers, console games, tablets and mobile phones.

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