
Low Birth Weight (LBW) is a critical issue in Indonesia, affecting 5-10% of newborns and contributing significantly to infant mortality. The primary risk factors include multiple pregnancies, maternal anemia, and insufficient maternal energy intake. The aim of this research is to identify the factors influencing the occurrence of low birth weight in Indonesia. The research method utilized is a literature review, which involves searching for research articles from the electronic database Google Scholar using keywords such as Low Birth Weight, causal factors, anemia, nutritional status, and maternal factors. From the research findings, it can be concluded that the occurrence of LBW is caused by risk factors such as anemia (3 articles), preeclampsia (3 articles), maternal age (3 articles), and chronic energy deficiency (1 article). Overall, understanding these factors is crucial for improving efforts to prevent LBW and enhancing the health of both mothers and infants during pregnancy.

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