
Background: Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is mostly limited to preterm babies due to immaturity of gut. NEC is one of important cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity in the neonatal intensive care units all over the world.Aim of study is to find the antenatal and post-natal risk factors associated with necrotizing enterocolitis in neonates admitted to NICU.Methods: A prospective study was conducted on 45 neonates with necrotizing enterocolitis fulfilling the predetermined inclusion criteria. A detailed antenatal history including all maternal risk factors, birth history including the need for resuscitation and type of resuscitation was recorded. The gestational assessment was done by the New Ballard Score.Results: Pregnancy induced hypertension accounts as a risk factor to most of the cases of NEC 18 (40%), followed by setting for sepsis 12 (26.6%), least being gestational diabetes mellitus 1 (2.2%).Conclusions: Prematurity is found to be the most common risk factor followed by patent ductus arteriosus and sepsis. Most common antenatal risk factor was PIH (Pregnancy induced hypertension).

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