
Hepatitis C viral infection represents a major health problem in the world. The estimated global incidence is about 3%, whereas the number of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) carriers worldwide is estimated to be between 150-300 million people. This retrospective analysis included 82 patients whose diagnosis of viral hepatitis C infection was based upon the following criteria: case history, physical examination, laboratory and abdominal ultrasound examination, histological examination of the liver, radiological examination, serological analysis and viral analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to describe general data on patients of the study group, risk factor analysis and follow-up results. The most prominent risk factor in our study group was intravenous use of drugs in 37 patients (37%), and blood transfusion in 13 patients (13%). Less important risk factors of viral hepatitis C infection included: promiscuity (8%), sexual contact with hepatitis C carriers (5%), surgical intervention (5%), hemodialysis (3%), intranasal use of cocaine (2%). Hepatitis C viral infection has become the illness of young and middle-aged population. This is due to the epidemic profile of this illness, due to intravenous use of drugs as the most prominent risk factor. Due to the number of infected, numerous risk factors and complications of viral hepatitis C, hepatitis C virus has become the most prominent hepatotrophic virus.

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