
In this study, we investigated risk factors associated with the probability to detect Salmonella in samples of litter collected within 2 h prior to new flock placement in 76 grow-out houses on 38 conventional broiler farms located in the US states of Mississippi, Alabama and Texas. We evaluated characteristics of location and layout of the farm; area adjacent to and surrounding the house; house construction; condition and type of equipment in the house; litter management and other production, sanitation, visitation and biosecurity practices; non-broiler animal species on the farm; and weather conditions on the 3 days leading up to flock placement. Logistic regression was used to model the relationships between probability to detect Salmonella in litter and potential risk factors. In the screening process, each risk factor was evaluated as a single fixed effects factor in a multilevel model that accounted for variability among the sampled farms and their production complexes and companies. Of almost 370 risk factors screened, 24 were associated with the probability to detect Salmonella in litter. These were characteristics of the surroundings of the house, house construction and conditions, litter management, length of downtimes between flocks in the house, biosecurity and farm location. After investigation of collinearity between these variables and building of models for important risk factor categories, the list of candidate variables for the final model was refined to eight factors. The final model demonstrated that a higher probability of detecting Salmonella in litter was strongly associated with the use of wood to construct the base of the walls or to cover the inside of the broiler house foundation, and with the use of fresh wood shavings to top-dress or completely replace the litter between flocks.

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