
If nurses and midwives undergo cervical cancer screening regularly, they can become role models for other women regarding this screening. The aims here were (i) to determine factors associated with undergoing cervical cancer screening; and (ii) to examine the association of cervical cancer screening periodicity with cervical cancer risk levels among nurses and midwives. Cross-sectional study in a public hospital. 466 nurses and midwives participated in this study. The relationships between undergoing Pap smear screening and sociodemographic characteristics, cervical cancer risk factors, perception of cervical cancer risk and calculated cervical cancer risk levels were examined. Cervical cancer risk levels were determined using the "Your Disease Risk" assessment tool (Washington University). 35% of the nurses and midwives had undergone Pap smear testing at least once in their lifetimes. The odds of having undergone Pap smear testing were higher among smokers (odds ratio, OR: 2.08; 95% confidence interval, CI: 1.24-3.48) and among those who perceived their risk of cervical cancer to be high (OR: 3.60; 95% CI: 1.36-9.51). The frequency of undergoing Pap smear testing at least once in a lifetime was higher among primiparae (OR: 17.99; 95% CI: 6.36-50.84) and secundiparae (OR: 41.53; 95% CI: 15.01-114.91) than among nulliparae. No relationship was found between Pap smear test periodicity and calculated risk level. There is a need to assess motivational barriers that might lead to low levels of Pap smear screening among nurses and midwives who are role models for women regarding cervical cancer prevention.


  • Cervical cancer screening using Pap smear tests is a cost-effective method for preventing cancer.[1,2] Diagnosing and treating cervical cancers at the premalignant stage will decrease both incidence and mortality.[1]

  • The aims of this study were (i) to determine factors associated with undergoing cervical cancer screening; and (ii) to examine the association of cervical cancer screening periodicity with cervical cancer risk levels among nurses and midwives working in two Turkish public hospitals

  • The incidence of having undergone Pap smear testing was higher among smokers than among non-smokers and among those who stated that they perceived their risk of cervical cancer to be high, compared with those who perceived their risk to be low (OR: 3.60; 95% CI: 1.36-9.51)

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Cervical cancer screening using Pap smear tests is a cost-effective method for preventing cancer.[1,2] Diagnosing and treating cervical cancers at the premalignant stage will decrease both incidence and mortality.[1]. If nurses and midwives undergo cervical cancer screening regularly, they can become role models for other women regarding this screening. OBJECTIVES: The aims here were (i) to determine factors associated with undergoing cervical cancer screening; and (ii) to examine the association of cervical cancer screening periodicity with cervical cancer risk levels among nurses and midwives. The relationships between undergoing Pap smear screening and sociodemographic characteristics, cervical cancer risk factors, perception of cervical cancer risk and calculated cervical cancer risk levels were examined. CONCLUSION: There is a need to assess motivational barriers that might lead to low levels of Pap smear screening among nurses and midwives who are role models for women regarding cervical cancer prevention

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