
The analysis of the system of organization of production of welding works performed during the construction of main pipelines with a diameter of up to 300 mm is carried out. Data on the system of organization of welding works are collected on the basis of available information from contractors of the oil company of the Russian Federation. To assess the viability of the production organization system, the reliability of the average form of organization of work at the facility and processes directly related to the production of work was checked. To do this, the main risks of the system are identified, their assessment in value terms is carried out, the degree of influence of each risk on the result is shown. Critical risks have been identified that negatively affect the timing of work and reduce the productivity of work. To identify risks, the method of constructing a «risk tree» was used, according to which it was established that the critical risk is the late delivery of materials to facilities and the non-compliance of the supplied materials with the design data and technical conditions of the project. As an evaluation scale, a risk criticality diagram is constructed, showing the maximum and minimum risks. Special attention is paid to the most critical risk - untimely delivery of materials and differences in the technical characteristics of the supplied materials from the design ones. The authors of the article identified the basic events that entail the occurrence of risks. To assess the critical underlying events contributing to the occurrence of risks, a matrix has been constructed, on the basis of which it can be concluded that the impact of a particular event on the efficiency of the production organization system is significant. The risk data obtained correspond to the practical data of many construction companies engaged in the construction and repair of pipelines. The article suggests measures to reduce the impact of critical risks on the production process, allowing to achieve the regulatory deadlines for the work. As a result of the conducted research, the described risk analysis in the organization of welding operations and measures to reduce them can be recommended to construction companies to achieve production efficiency.

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