
Introduction. Adverse effects of environmental factors can cause dysfunction of organs and systems, hormonal dysfunction, genetic disorders, which can adversely affect the health of future generations. The aim is to study occupational risk factors and assess their impact on the health of male workers of machine-building enterprises, to develop preventive measures. Material and methods. The working conditions of 318 male workers of the main professions of the machine-building enterprise (miller, locksmith, electric and gas welder, turner, caster, etc.), having occupational contact with harmful occupational factors, were studied in comparison with 148 employees of the control group. Epidemiological, socio-hygienic, statistical and risk calculation methods were used. Results. 68.2% of respondents were found to have occupational contact with cutting fluid, 24.3% contact with chemicals, 14.4% - with heavy metals, 66.2% of respondents work in conditions of noise exposure, 40.1% - local vibration, 22.3% - in conditions of hypothermia, 14.4% - in conditions of overheating. Excess of maximum permissible concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene, aerosols of mineral oils, epichlorohydrin was detected in the air of the working zone. At workplaces, there were excess levels of noise, general vibration, thermal radiation. The impact of harmful occupational factors in the workplace was established to create a high risk to the health of workers. Conclusion. Working conditions of workers of the machine-building enterprise are mainly estimated as harmful. Critical organs and systems for the development of occupational pathology were identified, the high carcinogenic risk from exposure to benzo(a)pyrene was revealed. Employees of the machine-building enterprise were shown to have a high risk of oncology, respiratory diseases, central nervous system diseases, pathology in offspring. As a result, risk groups were formed and targeted preventive measures were proposed, including monitoring of the health status of high-risk groups, occupational selection, and medical examinations.

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