
The district of Comas in Lima, Peru, is considered one of the districts with the highest number of critical points due to the accumulation of solid waste, causing the proliferation of vectors and the generation of bad smells, producing in this way a negative environmental and social impact on the population and on the landscape characteristics of the environment. The objective of this investigation is to evaluate the risk produced by the critical points of solid waste identified in Tupac Amaru Avenue, in the district of Comas, using the Grey Clustering method. This method allows to consider the uncertainty in the analysis being an adequate methodology for the evaluation of the risk of critical points since it is an issue of high level of uncertainty due to the limited information. The criteria for the evaluation of the risk of the critical points are according to the methodology of the Risk Evaluation Guide of the Ministry of the Environment. Five critical points of solid waste identified in the corresponding Tupac Amaru Avenue in all Zone 1 of the district of Comas were evaluated during 3 days. The results revealed that the three of the monitoring points present moderate risk and two slight risk. This study could be a useful tool for decision making by local and regional authorities to prioritize critical points for eradication and prevention.

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