
Indonesia is set between 3 colliding active plates, i.e. Eurasia, Indo-Australia, and Pacific Plates. The collision of those plates give rise to many volcanoes in Indonesia, some of them are active, including Sinabung volcano. Sinabung Volcano is an A type volcano with its summit reaching 2460 masl. Sinabung Volcano has been active again since 2010, and its activity has been increasing since then until its latest eruption on 19 February 2018. Its volcanic activities, including its eruption is a threat to local residents in Karo Regency, which live around the volcano. The danger of the eruption includes volcanic ash, hot ash, pyroclastic flow, lahar flow, lava flow, poisonous gas, and ejected molten rock fragments. The purpose of this research is to analyze the threat index of each sub-districts in Karo region where Sinabung volcano is located, in case it erupts someday. The method for this research is secondary data analysis which includes Administrative Map, Disaster Prone Zone Map, Land Use Map, and Population Data. Risk Analysis Table is then produced from the compilation of the data, which shows the threat index of each sub-district. The Risk Analysis Table serves a guide to develop local disaster mitigation and to educate the local residents, providing a more directed and more prepared mitigation and evacuation. Sustainable Development Goals 11, especially in indicator 11.B, strongly implies that sustainable cities & communities require disaster risk reduction strategies. Based on the analysis, several sub-districts, i.e. Payung, Tiganderket, Simpang Empat, and Naman Teran are categorized as regions with high threat index.

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