
The people of Afghanistan have experienced long period of political instability. For the last three decades, the Afghan soil has experienced every form of conflictinternational intervention, proxy war, civil war, and war on terrorism. The Paper will deal systematically with the Afghanistan’s state of constant warfare right from Soviets left from Afghanistan, leaving their marks on the country and its population. The main focus of this paper is to analyze the situation of the Afghan society under and after the Taliban rule. The work will also highlight the socio-political circumstances that led to the emergence of the Taliban in Afghanistan. The paper will identify major US-policy-making errors with respect to state-building, military activities, and diplomacy after its intervention in Afghanistan. After the Taliban’s ‘defeat’ in 2001, their resurgence was invited by the failure of state of justice and security institutions. Presently, Afghanistan is facing a triple threat of antigovernment insurgence, increased opium production, and growing popular discontent over corruption and government failures in Afghanistan.

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