
A knowledge graph is a structured semantic network designed to describe physical entities and relations in the world. A comprehensive and accurate knowledge graph is essential for tasks such as knowledge inference and recommendation systems, making link prediction a popular problem for knowledge graph completion. However, existing approaches struggle to model complex relations among entities, which severely hampers their ability to complete knowledge graphs effectively. To address this challenge, we propose a novel hierarchical multi-head attention network embedding framework, called RiQ-KGC, which integrates different-grained contextual information of knowledge graph triples and models quaternion rotation relations between entities. Furthermore, we propose a relation instantiation method for alleviating the difficulty of expressing complex relations between entities. To enhance the expressiveness of relation representation, the relation is integrated by Transformer to obtain multi-hop neighbor information, so that one relation can be embedded into different embeddings according to different entities. Experimental results on four datasets demonstrate that RiQ-KGC exhibits strong competitiveness compared to state-of-the-art models in link prediction, while the ablation experiments reveal that the proposed relation instantiation method achieves great performance.

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