
This paper proposes ripple reduction in the dc-link capacitor voltages of a single-phase five-level active neutral point clamped inverter (ANPCI) using external chopper circuit. A capacitor voltage balancing algorithm is implemented to balance the voltages of dc-link capacitors and the flying capacitor (FC). Although the FC voltage can be maintained almost constant using this algorithm, there is still considerable voltage ripple across the dc-link capacitors. This results in requirement of large dc-link capacitor values to generate an acceptable five-level output voltage waveform. Hence, an external chopper circuit consisting of two switches and an inductor is integrated with the ANPCI in this paper. This paper also presents three different current control schemes which regulate the chopper inductor current to maintain voltage ripple of the dc-link capacitors below a predefined tolerance level. Two of these control techniques have been implemented experimentally and their performance has been compared. It is observed that the external chopper can maintain significantly low peak-peak voltage ripple, which will result in reduction of dc-link capacitor values.

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