
In my paper entitled Ringworm of Hands and Feet, which was read before the annual meeting of the American Medical Association in June, 1916, at Detroit, and which was published inThe Journal, I stated as follows 1 : Tilbury Fox was probably the first observer to report a recognized case of trichophyton infection of a volar surface. The diagnosis in his case was simplified by the fact that the lesion began on the dorsal surface of the hand as a typical ringworm, and gradually progressed until it involved the interdigital and palmar surfaces of the fingers. In 1888, Pellizari reported the occurrence of seven cases of infection of the palms and soles in a series of 150 cases of trichophytosis capitis. The first careful and systematic study, however, was not made until 1892. In January of that year, Djelaleddin Moukhtar, working in Fournier's clinic, presented two cases before the Societe

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