
The following theorem is proved: Suppose R is an associative ring and suppose J is the Jacobson radical of R. Suppose that for all x1, * *, xn in R, there exists a word wx... (x1, * * x), depending on x1, * *, x,,, in which at least one xi (i varies) is missing, and such that xi ... x, = w ,... .n(x1, , x). Then J is a nil ring of bounded index and R/J is finite. It is further proved that a commutative nil semigroup satisfies the above identity if and only if it is nilpotent. In this paper, we investigate the structure of an associative ring R with the property that, for all xl, * * * , x, in R, xl ... x = wxi.... xn(xl, * * *, Xn), where w is a word, depending on xl, * * *, xn, and where some xi (i varies) is missing in w. For such a ring R, we prove the Jacobson radical J is a nil ring of bounded index. We also show that R/J is finite. Finally, we show that a commutative nil semigroup satisfies the above identity if and only if it is nilpotent. In preparation for the proofs of the main results, we first introduce DEFINITION 1. Let n be a positive integer, and let S be a semigroup. We say that S is a fln-semigroup if, for all xl, * * *, xn in S, there exists a word w .(x, *1 , xn) consisting of a product of the xi's with some x1 (j varies) missing, such that xl ... xn=wxl....xn((xl, * * *, xn). A ring R is called a fln-ring if its multiplicative semigroup is a fln-semigroup. LEMMA 1. Let S be a finite semigroup or a nilpotent semigroup. Then S is a fln-semigroup, for some n. PROOF. First, suppose S is finite, of order n, and suppose xl, Xn+1 are any elements of S. Then xi=xj for some i>j, and hence X1 ... Xn+1 = X1 ... Xi ... Xi-lXjXi+l Xn+1 = W(X1, . . , Xi-1 Xi+1 , Xn+1) Thus S is a fln+l-semigroup. Next, suppose S is nilpotent, say, Sm= (0). Presented to the Society, January 18, 1972; received by the editors August 10, 1971 and, in revised form, October 6, 1971. AMS (MOS) subject classifications (1970). Primary 16A38, 16A48; Secondary 20M10. The author was supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship. @ American Mathematical Society 1973

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