
Let T be a set of elements in a ring A. The set T is right permutable if for any a ∈ A and t ∈ T, there exist b ∈ A, u ∈ T such that au = tb. A multiplicative set in a ring A is any subset T of A such that 1 ∈ T,0 ∉ T and T is closed under multiplication. A completely prime ideal in a ring A is any proper ideal B such that A\B is a multiplicative set (i.e. A/Bis a domain). A minimal prime ideal (resp. minimal completely prime ideal) in a ring A is any prime (resp. completely prime) ideal P such that P contains no properly any other prime ideal (resp. completely prime ideal) of A. Let I be any proper ideal of a ring A. The set of all elements a ∈ A such that a + I is a regular element of A/I is denoted by c(I). In particular, c(0) is the set of all regular elements of A.

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