
The dilithio boraamidinates {Li2[RB(NtBu)2]}x (R = Me, nBu) are obtained by the reaction of B[N(H)tBu]3 with 3 equivalents of LiR. The X-ray structures of the dimer (R = nBu) and trimer (R = Me) consist of distorted Li4N4 cubes or Li6N6 hexagonal prisms capped by two or three BR groups, respectively. The lithiation of the dimers {M[N(H)tBu]3}2 (M = Al, Ga) with LiR (R = tBu, Me) gives rise to complexes of the type {Li[Al(NtBu)(NHtBu)2]}2(LiR) [R = tBu, N(H)tBu] in which monomeric LitBu or LiN(H)tBu units are trapped by the dilithiated M2N6 template. The centrosymmetric dimer {THF Li3[Si(NiPr)3(NHiPr)]}2, formed by trilithiation of Si[N(H)iPr]4 with LinBu, forms a bicapped hexagonal prism. The tetraazasilicate (Et2O-Li)4[Si(Nnaph)4] is prepared by the reaction of SiCl4 with 4 equiv. of Li2(Nnaph). Treatment of OP[N(H)tBu]3 with an excess of LinBu yields the dilithiated derivative {(THF)Li2[OP(NtBu)2(NHtBu)]}2 with a box-shaped structure.

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