
Voyager 2 images show parts of Enceladus' surface to be very smooth, lacking craters down to the resolution limit of 4 km. This absence of craters indicates geologically recent resurfacing, probably due to internal melting. However, calculations of current heating mechanisms, including radioactive decay and tidal heating due to Enceladus' resonance with Dione, yield heating rates too small to cause melting. The orbital mean motion of Janus (1980S1) is slightly less than twice that of Enceladus and, according to theoretical calculations, is currently decreasing as Janus' orbit evolves outward due to resonant torques from Saturn's rings. If Janus were ever locked into a stable 2:1 orbital commensurability with Enceladus, the resulting angular momentum transfer could have sufficiently enhanced the eccentricity of Enceladus' orbit for the ensuing tidal heating to have melted Enceladus' interior. The existence of a Laplace-like three-body resonance including Dione, although unlikely, would have increased heating. If Janus were indeed held in resonance with Enceladus until recently (10 7–10 8 years B.P.) when the lock was disrupted by an unspecified event (possibly a catastrophic collision which simultaneously created the coorbital pair, or by the influence of Dione) both the recent internal activity of Enceladus and the proximity of Janus to Saturn's rings may be explained. However, the predicted rapid time scale for ring evolution due to resonant torques from Saturn's inner moons remains a major problem.

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