
Ring expansion processes in 1-, 2-, and 5-methylenecyclopentadiene radicals and isomerizations among the three isomers were studied by the Becke three-parameter hybrid method with Lee−Yang−Parr correlation functional approximation (B3LYP). Structure, energy, and frequency calculations were carried out with the Dunning correlation consistent polarized double ξ (cc-pVDZ) and augmented aug-cc-pVDZ basis sets. The potential energy surfaces for ring expansion in methylenecyclopentadiene radicals consist of several intermediates and transition states. The process that takes place by insertion of the methylene group into the cyclopentadiene ring in the three isomers occurs via two principal mechanisms. One mechanism is associated with cleavage of the five-membered ring of the cyclopentadiene ring. In the second mechanism, the transition states of the first stage consist of a newly formed three-membered ring fused to the original cyclopentadiene ring. In all the three isomers of methylenecyclopentadiene, the reac...

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