
The river Krivaja makes a unique water course in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the hydrographic system of which is located in one of the largest ophiolotic areas in Yugoslavia. In this way, a specific hydrological network of short surface water courses has been created, which feed themselves mainly with the suface waters and waters from the shallow groundwater of the ophiolitic layers. During the survey of the water level, water flow and flow off categories, differences between the upper and lower river-basin parts were observed, which showed that the dominant natural-geographic factors affected most directly the regime categories. With regard to the morphological-morpholographical, morphometrical and hydrological conditions in the bakin and valley, specially in its longitudinal profile sectors, particulary from Olovo to Careva Cuprija, the high wave water retardations occur, which cause floods in the river valley bottom. The Krivaja river basin and valley represented until recently an exclusively natural – territorial aqual complex. Excessive exploitation, especially the exploitation of the forest resources, have disturbed the balance of the natural conditions, which has far-reaching consequences on the Krivaja hydrological regime.

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