
We consider the failure detection and management function for engine control systems as an application domain where product line engineering is indicated. The need to develop a generic requirement set – for subsequent system instantiation – is complicated by the addition of the high levels of verification demanded by this safety-critical domain, subject to avionics industry standards. We present our case study experience in this area as a candidate method for the engineering, validation and verification of generic requirements using domain engineering and Formal Methods techniques and tools. For a defined class of systems, the case study produces a generic requirement set in UML and an example system instance. Domain analysis and engineering produce a validated model which is integrated with the formal specification/verification method B by the use of our UML-B profile. The formal verification both of the generic requirement set, and of a simple system instance, is demonstrated using our U2B, ProB and prototype Requirements Manager tools. This work is a demonstrator for a tool-supported method which will be an output of EU project RODIN (This work is conducted in the setting of the EU funded Research Project: IST 511599 RODIN (Rigorous Open Development Environment for Complex Systems) http://rodin.cs.ncl.ac.uk/ ). The use of existing and prototype formal verification and support tools is discussed. The method, developed in application to this novel combination of product line, failure management and safety-critical engineering, is evaluated and considered to be applicable to a wide range of domains.

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