
Sir, The Multidisciplinary American College of Academic International MedicineWorld Academic Council of Emergency Medicine Multidisciplinary (ACAIM-WACEM) COVID-19 Consensus Group have synthesized and summarized complex pharmaceutical, economic, and public threats brought about by COVID-19 using a 14-point list of “blind spots.[1]” The consensus paper posits how ulterior political motives can skew and effectively, blindside the dissemination of evidence-based medical knowledge. Yet, the list of recommendations can be enhanced for policy-making audiences through improved focus and operational refinement of these themes. First, the “blind spots” appear somewhat arbitrary but could be improved by rearranging them and grouping them by target demographic. For example, generalizing the “scientific community” can be challenging when research and development are being undertaken from the level of private vaccine companies to livestock cultivators.[2] Instead, specific policy directives for corporations, educational institutions, and independent groups could be useful. Second, the element of surprise during the first wave spotlighted the holes in the current public health system preparedness and resilience.[3] It may be rational to ground these recommendations in a re-examination of existing pandemic protocols and standards under the International Health Regulations (2005) set by the World Health Organization. If the blind spots can be matched with the standards-in-place, it allows governing bodies to translate and transfer updatable points as they prepare for subsequent waves. Finally, it might be valuable to bring up some solutions that are not commonly seen in mainstream media. For instance, Blind Spot number three (Ignoring simple and effective nonpharmacological measures) is especially pertinent but the emphasis on social distancing and contact tracing has vastly undercut messaging toward perhaps equally useful preventative strategies such as exercise. The effects of exercise on COVID-19 have been proven to improve the immune function and prevent infection.[4] To conclude, pitfalls exist in using nonspecific language, using context-devoid regulations, and neglect of deceptively obvious messaging. Nevertheless, the value of blind-spotting remains incredibly useful, especially when so many of these considerations remain out of sight. Financial support and sponsorship Nil. Conflicts of interest There are no conflicts of interest.

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