
We prove a rigidity theorem for the Poisson automorphisms of the function fields of tori with quadratic Poisson structures over fields of characteristic 0. It gives an effective method for classifying the full Poisson automorphism groups of ${\mathbb{N}}$-graded connected cluster algebras equipped with Gekhtman-Shapiro-Vainshtein Poisson structures. Based on this, we classify the groups of algebraic Poisson automorphisms of the open Schubert cells of the full flag varieties of semisimple algebraic groups over fields of characteristic 0, equipped with the standard Poisson structures. Their coordinate rings can be identified with the semiclassical limits of the positive parts $U_q({\mathfrak{n}}_+)$ of the quantized universal enveloping algebras of semisimple Lie algebras, and the last result establishes a Poisson version of the Andruskiewitsch-Dumas conjecture on ${\mathrm{Aut}} U_q({\mathfrak{n}}_+)$.

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