
We introduce the multiplicative coalescent with linear deletion, a continuous-time Markov process describing the evolution of a collection of blocks. Any two blocks of sizes $x$ and $y$ merge at rate $xy$, and any block of size $x$ is deleted with rate $\lambda x$ (where $\lambda \geq 0$ is a fixed parameter). This process arises for example in connection with a variety of random-graph models which exhibit self-organised criticality. We focus on results describing states of the process in terms of collections of excursion lengths of random functions. For the case $\lambda =0$ (the coalescent without deletion) we revisit and generalise previous works by authors including Aldous, Limic, Armendariz, Uribe Bravo, and Broutin and Marckert, in which the coalescence is related to a “tilt” of a random function, which increases with time; for $\lambda >0$ we find a novel representation in which this tilt is complemented by a “shift” mechanism which produces the deletion of blocks. We describe and illustrate other representations which, like the tilt-and-shift representation, are “rigid”, in the sense that the coalescent process is constructed as a projection of some process which has all of its randomness in its initial state. We explain some applications of these constructions to models including mean-field forest-fire and frozen-percolation processes.


  • 1.1 The multiplicative coalescent and MCLD(λ)The multiplicative coalescent is a continuous-time Markov process describing the evolution of a collection of blocks

  • The MCLD arises as a scaling limit of certain discrete processes of coalescence and fragmentation or deletion, such as the mean-field forest-fire model introduced by Ráth and Tóth in [36] and studied by Crane, Freeman and Tóth in [21], and the mean-field frozen percolation process introduced by Ráth in [35]

  • We show that the resulting MCLD(λ) process is the scaling limit of the list of component sizes in the mean field frozen percolation model of [35] started from a near-critical Erdos-Rényi graph, extending the result [2, Corollary 24], which is the λ = 0 case

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The multiplicative coalescent (or briefly MC) is a continuous-time Markov process describing the evolution of a collection of blocks (components). For initial states in ↓2, a graphical construction is given in [34], which gives rise to a well-behaved continuous-time Markov process taking values in ↓2 This process has the Feller property with respect to the distance d(·, ·) – see Theorem 1.2 of [34]. The MCLD arises as a scaling limit of certain discrete processes of coalescence and fragmentation or deletion, such as the mean-field forest-fire model introduced by Ráth and Tóth in [36] and studied by Crane, Freeman and Tóth in [21], and the mean-field frozen percolation process introduced by Ráth in [35] These processes are of particular interest because of their self-organised criticality properties.

Tilt representations of MC
Contributions of this paper
Rigid representations of coalescent processes
Scaling limits of critical random graph models
Plan of the paper
Main results
Tilt representation of multiplicative coalescent
Rigid representations: finite state space
Particle representation
Tilt-and-shift representation
Preparatory results about μ0 and excursions
Some facts about random point measures
Perturbation of the particle system
Truncation and approximation
Tilt-and-shift continuity lemmas
Eternal multiplicative coalescents
Tilt-and-shift of BMPD
Scaling limit of frozen percolation started from a critical Erdos-Rényi graph
Forest fire model
Particle representation of the forest fire model
The controlled Burgers equation
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