
An irreducible integrable connection $(E,\nabla)$ on a smooth projective complex variety $X$ is called rigid if it gives rise to an isolated point of the corresponding moduli space $\mathcal{M}_{\rm dR}(X)$. According to Simpson’s motivicity conjecture, irreducible rigid flat connections are of geometric origin, that is, arise as subquotients of a Gauss–Manin connection of a family of smooth projective varieties defined on an open dense subvariety of $X$. In this article we study mod-$p$ reductions of irreducible rigid connections and establish results which confirm Simpson’s prediction. In particular, for large $p$, we prove that $p$-curvatures of mod-$p$ reductions of irreducible rigid flat connections are nilpotent, and building on this result, we construct an $F$-isocrystalline realization for irreducible rigid flat connections. More precisely, we prove that there exist smooth models $X_R$ and $(E_R,\nabla_R)$ of $X$ and $(E,\nabla)$, over a finite-type ring $R$, such that for every Witt ring $W(k)$ of a finite field $k$ and every homomorphism $R \to W(k)$, the $p$-adic completion of the base change $(\widehat{E}_{W(k)},\widehat{\nabla}_{W(k)})$ on $\widehat{X}_{W(k)}$ represents an $F$-isocrystal. Subsequently, we show that irreducible rigid flat connections with vanishing $p$-curvatures are unitary. This allows us to prove new cases of the Grothendieck–Katz $p$-curvature conjecture. We also prove the existence of a complete companion correspondence for $F$-isocrystals stemming from irreducible cohomologically rigid connections.

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