
AbstractIbero-America faces the challenge of developing effective strategies to faciliate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the public sphere. This involves the implementation of policies that integrate the efforts of public administrations around common strategic frameworks, generate models of collaboration among the multiple actors involved in decisionmaking processes and reduce the institutional barriers that traditionally affect the implementation of public politics. This document aims to address the impact of environmental changes, especially global risks, on the strategies promoted in IberoAmerica for the 2030 Agenda implementation. It is based on a theoretical framework that addresses policy implementation frameworks in the Administration and the problems they usually face to ensure their success, focusing the analysis on two key variables: the environment and the governance capacities. It is concluded that the strategies implemented by governments inexorably subjected to the tensions derived from global risks. These are events or situations that, untimely, can cause damages and affect the course of public action. The COVID19 pandemic, considered a critical juncture, was a milestone in this regard. However, governments have not incorporated into their strategies sufficiently solid institutional mechanisms to ensure risk management, the adoption of measures to mitigate its effects and the establishment of channels for citizen participation that promote more open and dynamic processes. Public organizations cannot manage in isolation or unilaterally the magnitude of environmental changes and especially the impact of global risks on the 2030 Agenda implementation and the achievement of the SDGs. To this end, they must develop new governance models to support risk management tasks, through the configuration of networks and institutional mechanisms that facilitate the exchange of knowledge and strategic resources.

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