
Objective: To evaluate the risks of sickness present in the work activities of construction workers and the factors associated with the risk of illness in this population. Methods: This is a cross-sectional research with a quantitative approach, through the Inventory of Work and Illness Risks. Participated 75 workers linked to a construction company, after approval by the Research Ethics Committee under CAAE n.o 22445413.3.0000.0118. Results: There was a predominance of males, between 18 and 28 years of age, married, with low schooling, with 6 to 10 years of profession. Emphasis is given to the factors: Conditions of Work, Physical Cost and Lack of Recognition, which had negative, severe evaluation, characterizing human cost production and labor suffering. Results: The results point out risks of illness among construction professionals. Conclusion: It is necessary to review the working conditions in the scenario investigated in order to reduce the risk of illness among construction workers.


  • Objetivo: Avaliar os riscos de adoecimento presente nas atividades laborais de trabalhadores da construção civil e os fatores associados ao risco de adoecimento nessa população

  • Objective: To evaluate the risks of sickness present in the work activities of construction workers and the factors associated with the risk of illness in this population

  • This is a cross-sectional research with a quantitative approach, through the Inventory of Work and Illness Risks

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Risco de adoecimento entre profissionais da construção civil

Priscila Locatelli, Katrini dos Santos Conteratto, Clodoaldo Antônio De Sá3, Liana Lautert, Rosana Amora Ascari. Membro do Grupo de Estudos sobre Saúde e Trabalho-Gestra/Udesc (Brasil) Cómo citar este artículo en edición digital: Locatelli, P., Conteratto, K. Riesgo de enfermedad entre los profesionales de la construcción. Cultura de los Cuidados (Edición digital), 23(53). Rua 14 de agosto, 807 E, Bairro Presidente Médici, Chapecó-SC, Brasil.

Falta de Reconhecimento
Avaliação do Contexto de Trabalho
Avaliação de Custo Humano no Trabalho
Indicadores de Prazer e Sofrimento no Trabalho
Avaliação dos Danos Relacionados ao Trabalho
Departamento Intersindical de Estatística e Estudos
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