
After some papers proving the RC (short for “Riemann’s Conjecture”, also known as the “Riemann’s Hypothesis”, RH), now the author provides a new proof, using the “Spira Criterion” that states “The RH is equivalent to the statement that if s>0.5 and t> 6.5 then |z(1-s)|> |z(s)|”. We use the concept of “transfer function” for control systems. This new proof is so simple that the author wonders why a great mathematician like Riemann did not see it; therefore F. Galetto thinks that somewhere in the purported proof there should be an error.


  • It is well known that for over a century mathematicians have been trying to prove the so-called Riemann Hypothesis, RH for short, a conjecture claimed by Riemann [who was professor at University of Gottingen in Germany], near 1859 in a 8-page paper “On the number of primes less than a given magnitude” shown at Berlin Academy, and dated/published in 1859; it is well known, as well, that RH is related to set of all the Prime Numbers (Figure 1); prime numbers are fundamental for encryption of documents and data

  • If RC would be related to Statistics, , would be confirmed with a Confidence Level (CL) > 0.9999999999: the evidence of 1012 zeros computed, all on the Critical Line supports H0 with that “high” CL

  • When =0 the “Transfer Function” depends only on the “frequency” ; on we use the symbol s= +j, as it is customary in electronics, communication theory and control systems:

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Original Paper

Applied Science and Innovative Research ISSN 2474-4972 (Print) ISSN 2474-4980 (Online). Fausto Galetto Independent researcher, past professor of Quality Management at Politecnico of Turin, Turin, Italy.

Applied Science and Innovative Research
The Riemann Hypothesis is equivalent to the statement that
Points of the ZETA function
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