
There are a few common beliefs and understandings that are important to keep in mind as we ride together to a solution. First, protecting public health by delivering safe drinking water is, always has been, and always will be our highest goal. It is the ultimate purpose for our daily work. Second, replacing lead service lines will take time to implement, which means that corrosion control remains key to managing lead levels in drinking water. Third, even after lead service lines are replaced, corrosion control will continue to be important because many homes will continue to have sources of lead in their plumbing. Fourth, local circumstances will differ, and as a result, there is no one‐size‐fits‐all solution for resolving concerns about financing lead service line replacements and ownership issues. And finally, this is a community issue, and there are many parties who must collaborate on solutions. Certainly the water sector has a significant role, but so do property owners, nongovernmental organizations, and government at all levels.

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