
Hosts represent discrete habitats that contain finite parasite communities, and individual hosts can be used as replicates in parasitism studies, such as investigations of the processes that mediate the formation of parasite communities. However, within a single host population, there may be singularities among individuals that affect parasite contact rates. Accordingly, the goals of the present study were to document the parasites associated with the small treefrog Scinax fuscovarius, to verify possible variation and co-occurrences in parasite infracommunities, and to assess the effects of host characteristics (size and sex) on infracommunity structure. Treefrog specimens (n = 75) were collected from the Bodoquena Mountains in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. After collection, the specimens were transported to the laboratory, and examined for parasitic. The parasites found were removed, fixed, and identified. Patterns in parasite infracommunity organization were analyzed using the checkerboard score index, which was calculated using a presence-absence matrix. The matrix was randomized under the null hypothesis that the infracommunities independently represent the component community. Forty-two (56%) of the individuals harbored at least one parasite, and a total of 500 metazoan parasites were recovered, with a particularly rich composite community of 18 taxa, including 13 nematodes, two trematodes, one cestode, one oligochaete, and one mite larvae. The parasite species were randomly distributed among the infracommunities, with no evidence of co-occurrence, segregation, or aggregation. However, both body size and sex influenced infection, with larger hosts harboring more parasites and parasites were more abundant in male specimens and more species rich in female specimens. These results suggest that the parasite infracommunities of S. fuscovarius are shaped by both random factors and individual host characteristics.

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