
Abstract. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of water submergence depth on radial oxygen loss (ROL), soil solution chemistry and rice growth performance in acid sulphate soils in southern Vietnam. ROL was measured in a solution culture. In a separate pot experiment the impact of water submergence depth on rice growth and soil solution chemistry was studied. Three submergence depths were used in the two experiments (5, 10 and 15 cm). ROL declined with submergence depth and was significantly greater in young roots (with no root hairs) than in older roots. In the pot experiment rice growth and soil solution chemistry were clearly affected by the submergence depth. During the first crop at 5 cm submergence, there was a significantly higher yield and a higher oxidation state (pe+pH) compared to 10 or 15 cm submergence. The Fe concentration was significantly greater at the 5 cm depth compared to the 10 or 15 cm depth. SO42– reduction was delayed at the 5 cm depth. Rice yield was c. 25% less at the 15 cm than at the 5 cm depth. During a second crop, there was a substantial SO42‐ reduction and H2S formation and almost no significant effects of submergence depth on either soil solution chemistry or crop yield. In a field experiment with a dry‐season rice crop, yield and Fe, Al and SO42– concentrations were higher at a shallow submergence depth than at greater depths in the same field, showing similar depth trends to those found during the first crop in the pot experiment. Farmers should be advised to use a shallow submergence depth and, if possible, avoid deep‐rooted rice varieties. A conceptual model is suggested, which summarizes the relationships between ROL and soil solution chemistry.

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