
We study Kauffman's model of folded ribbon knots: knots made of a thin strip of paper folded flat in the plane. The folded ribbonlength is the length to width ratio of such a ribbon knot. We give upper bounds on the folded ribbonlength of 2-bridge, $(2,q)$ torus, twist, and pretzel knots, and these upper bounds turn out to be linear in the crossing number. We give a new way to fold $(p,q)$ torus knots and show that their folded ribbonlength is bounded above by $2p$. This means, for example, that the trefoil knot can be constructed with a folded ribbonlength of 6. We then show that any $(p,q)$ torus knot $K$ with $p\geq q>2$ has a constant $c>0$, such that the folded ribbonlength is bounded above by $c\cdot Cr(K)^{1/2}$. This provides an example of an upper bound on folded ribbonlength that is sub-linear in crossing number.

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