
Abstract A description is provided for Rhynchosporium secalis . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: Hordeum sativum, Secale cereale, Gramineae, Agropyron, Bromus, Hordeum and Lolium . DISEASE: Leaf blotch or scald of barley ( Hordeum sativum ), rye ( Secale cereale ) and various other Gramineae , especially species of Agropyron, Bromus, Hordeum and Lolium . Mainly leaves and sheaths are attacked; also glumes and awns of barley. Lesions on leaves are lenticular, usually 1-2 cm long, often confluent. The first sign of infection is watersoaking, then the area becomes bluish-grey, and later the central part becomes pale greyish-brown, with a distinct dark brown or violet brown border, except on rye where no dark border is formed. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Widespread but mostly in temperate regions (CMI Map 383, ed. 3, 1970). TRANSMISSION: Overwintering is largely on infected barley stubble remains and volunteer plants; spores are disseminated in water droplets (17, 22; 39, 300; 46, 1988; 49, 116; 51, 283, 2401). Seed transmission occurs to a small extent (38, 385; 39, 300; 43, 1225k; 51, 282; Kay & Owen, 1973a).

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