
Rhodium (II) acetate [Rh2 (O2CCH3)4] couldbe used as an indicator for single nucleotide polymorphism(SNPs) involved in the onset of schizophrenia. Rhodium(Rh1) has affinity to make covalent interactions withneuregulin (NRG1) gene at SNPs mutation. Binding effects ofRh1 has been studied under different molar concentrationsat different time periods. In this study we used Rh1 toevaluate its interaction with NRG1 gene in Schizophrenicpatients of Pakistan. Rh-NRG1 adduct were amplified by PCR and visualized on agarose gel electrophoresis. Herewe show Rh1 binding with NRG1 gene was inhibited withincreasing concentration ranges from 0.5 -3 μM. It has beennoted that upon binding with NRG1 gene Rh1 decreasedthe mobility and intensity of the DNA bands. Noticeably Rh1didn’t inhibit the activity of Mun1 restriction enzyme havingspecific CAAA cleavage site. After the digestion of NRG1gene having SNPs mutation combining with Rh1 proves itscovalent binding only with Guanine or Thymine and notwith Adenine or Cytosine. This is a novel study that showsrhodium can covalently binds with human dsDNA and caninhibit its amplification. The effect of Rh1 to target differentSNPs mutations (normally occurs in genetic diseases suchas schizophrenia) can be identified by using this technique.There are variations between human populations, so a SNPallele that is common in one geographical or ethnic groupmay be much rarer in another, and Rh1 can act as a usefultool to identify SNPs of schizophrenic genes. Keywords - Pakistani Population, Schizophrenia, SingleNucleotide polymorphism (SNP), Neuregulin (NRG1),Rhodium (Rh)

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