
In this paper, we study the space of metrics of positive scalar curvature using methods from coarse geometry. Given a closed spin manifold M with fundamental group G, Stephan Stolz introduced the positive scalar curvature exact sequence, in analogy to the surgery exact sequence in topology. It calculates a structure group of metrics of positive scalar curvature on M (the object we want to understand) in terms of spin-bordism of BG and a somewhat mysterious group R(G). Higson and Roe introduced a K-theory exact sequence in coarse geometry which contains the Baum-Connes assembly map, with one crucial term K(D*G) canonically associated to G. The K-theory groups in question are the home of interesting index invariants and secondary invariants, in particular the rho-class in K_*(D*G) of a metric of positive scalar curvature on a spin manifold. One of our main results is the construction of a map from the Stolz exact sequence to the Higson-Roe exact sequence (commuting with all arrows), using coarse index theory throughout. Our main tool are two index theorems, which we believe to be of independent interest. The first is an index theorem of Atiyah-Patodi-Singer type. Here, assume that Y is a compact spin manifold with boundary, with a Riemannian metric g which is of positive scalar curvature when restricted to the boundary (and with fundamental group G). Because the Dirac operator on the boundary is invertible, one constructs a delocalized APS-index in K_* (D*G). We then show that this class equals the rho-class of the boundary. The second theorem equates a partitioned manifold rho-class of a positive scalar curvature metric to the rho-class of the partitioning hypersurface.

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