
The present communication attempts to provide information on the distribution and diversity of rhizospheric soil mycoflora under Hippophae salicifolia D.Don of Garhwal Himalayas. To achieve the target, soil samples were collected from two different localities, viz., Mana of Chamoli and Yamnotri of Uttarkashi districts of Garhwal Himalaya. Samples were also analysed for physicochemical properties, including texture, soil reaction (pH), and organic carbon. The serial dilution method was used to isolate the soil mycoflora. During the investigation, pH ranged from 5.95±1 to 6.67±1, and the moisture content was between 3.86±1 % and 1.63±1 %. Thirty-four species of microfungi belonging to 21 genera were isolated from all the sampling sites. Cladosporium was the most dominant genus, followed by Aspergillus and Fusarium. Cladosporium cladosporiodes was the most common fungi isolated from Hippophae growing sites with maximum contribution (7.43%) whereas, Nigrospora sphaerica was the least important species with minimum contribution ( 0.80%). The highest number of species (23) was isolated from the Mana site of Chamoli District of Garhwal Himalaya. Of the 34 species recorded, six were common, ten frequent, 12 moderate, and six rare occurrences. Similarity ranged from 16.21% to 96.26%. The Shannon-Wiener's diversity index was highest in Mana 2 (2.972), followed by Yamnotri 1 (2.217). Total richness and abundance were the highest in Mana 2 whereas lowest in Yamnotri 1. Evenness was highest in Mana 1 (0.966), followed by Mana 3 (0.954), while lowest observed in Yamnotri 3 (0.905). It was noteworthy in the present contribution that all the soil microfungi reported under H. salicifolia associated rhizospheric soils are new reports to such ecosystems of Garhwal Himalaya. Thus, it is hoped that further investigation of soils under different vegetation regimes of these altitudinal zones mainly dominated by Cedrus deodara, Pinus wallichiana, Picea smithiana, Betula utilis, Alnus nepalensis, Abies pindrow will definitely add to the knowledge of microfungal flora adapted to different ecosystems.

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