
Processing data at different rates is generally a hard problem in reactive programming. Buffering problems, lags, and concurrency issues often occur. Many of these problems are clock errors , where data at different rates is combined incorrectly. Techniques to avoid clock errors, such as type-level clocks and deterministic scheduling, exist in the field of synchronous programming, but are not implemented in general-purpose languages like Haskell. Rhine is a clock-safe library for synchronous and asynchronous Functional Reactive Programming (FRP). It separates the aspects of clocking, scheduling and resampling from each other, and ensures clock-safety at the type level. Concurrent communication is encapsulated safely. Diverse reactive subsystems can be combined in a coherent, declarative data-flow framework, while correct interoperability of data at different rates is guaranteed by type-level clocks. This provides a general-purpose framework that simplifies multi-rate FRP systems and can be used for game development, media applications, GUIs and embedded systems, through a flexible API with many reusable components.

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