
Prof Kevin Pile (APLAR president) and Dr Krishnamurthy (Congress Chairman) at the inauguration of the exhibition at the APLAR congress APLAR Master Award The APLAR 2015 opening ceremony Dr Krishnamurthy, Dr Rohini Handa and Prof Zhanguo Li at the closing ceremony The application of Russian Cytokines Society to join APLAR as an associate member was approved at the APLAR Congress in Chennai, India in September 2015. The Russian Cytokine Society was founded in 2001. The goals of this organization include the development of new treatment technologies based on the use of natural and recombinant forms of cytokines or drugs that modify its activity, and testing and implementation of cytokines treatment methods in clinical practice. The Moscow International Forum organized by the Government of Moscow, Moscow Health Department, Moscow Department of Labor and Social Protection will be held during 19–21 April 2016. This Forum is devoted to issues of osteoarticular pathology. The forum will give priority to an innovative interdisciplinary approach to osteoarticular disorders, including pathogenesis, diagnosis and complex treatment. It aims to help physicians in broadening their knowledge and improve the quality of medical care. The program will include an International School-Conference “Interdisciplinary approach in osteoarticular pathology” together with plenary and thematic sessions on rheumatology, traumatology, orthopedics, rehabilitation and social protection of disabled people, young scientists concourse, satellite symposia, round tables and master classes with the participation of leading Russian and foreign specialists. New challenges of medical and social assistance for elderly and disabled people will be discussed. Further details can be found on the website: www.medforum.moscow

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