
The subject of this research is the currently relevant question of the formation of rhetorical portfolio for the Bachelor of Law Education in the Dagestan State University (discipline 44.03.01). This portfolio is highly demanded due to the need for improving the quality of professional competencies of students during the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, which allows the student to share educational information with the group remotely. The term “Rhetorical Portfolio” suggests which course it should applied in. It may perform the function of a legal document. The scientific novelty of this research lies in detailed description of the topic; offer of a possible structure and approximate thematic content of the rhetorical portfolio; advise to include in the rhetorical portfolio student's achievements, various tasks and reference materials, legal documentation, flaws in the educational process, and recommendations that would allow the future pedagogue of law to succeed in their activity. Rhetorical portfolio is a new technology developed on the basis of extensive experience in teaching eloquence to the humanities students; what needs to be implemented in the educational process and effectively used in modern educational system. Therefore, the material is prepared using the method of observation over educational process, various surveys, and analysis of rhetorical classes. The author underlines the importance of considering local peculiarities in communication to ensure the success of any constructive rhetorical speech in multinational Dagestan. This would also contribute to the development of skills of peer review, critical re-evaluation of the content of the material, and reflection. This document, which consists of three parts, is one-off nature and has variations, should turn into a collective rhetorical portfolio in order to activate the educational process. This is the reflection of an alternative point of view to demonstrate a true picture of personal and collective academic performance.

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