
Rheostat positions, which can be substituted with various amino acids to tune protein function across a range of outcomes, are a developing area for advancing personalized medicine and bioengineering. Current methods cannot accurately predict which proteins contain rheostat positions or their substitution outcomes. To compare the prevalence of rheostat positions in homologs, we previously investigated their occurrence in two pyruvate kinase (PYK) isozymes. Human liver PYK contained numerous rheostat positions that tuned the apparent affinity for the substrate phosphoenolpyruvate (Kapp-PEP) across a wide range. In contrast, no functional rheostat positions were identified in Zymomonas mobilis PYK (ZmPYK). Further, the set of ZmPYK substitutions included an unusually large number that lacked measurable activity. We hypothesized that the inactive substitution variants had reduced protein stability, precluding detection of Kapp-PEP tuning. Using modified buffers, robust enzymatic activity was obtained for 19 previously-inactive ZmPYK substitution variants at three positions. Surprisingly, both previously-inactive and previously-active substitution variants all had Kapp-PEP values close to wild-type. Thus, none of the three positions were functional rheostat positions, and, unlike human liver PYK, ZmPYK's Kapp-PEP remained poorly tunable by single substitutions. To directly assess effects on stability, we performed thermal denaturation experiments for all ZmPYK substitution variants. Many diminished stability, two enhanced stability, and the three positions showed different thermal sensitivity to substitution, with one position acting as a "stability rheostat." The differences between the two PYK homologs raises interesting questions about the underlying mechanism(s) that permit functional tuning by single substitutions in some proteins but not in others.

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