
The rheological behaviour of dense suspensions of ideally conductive particles in the presence of both electric field and shear flow is studied using large-scale numerical simulations. Under the action of an electric field, these particles are known to undergo dipolophoresis (DIP), which is the combination of two nonlinear electrokinetic phenomena: induced-charge electrophoresis (ICEP) and dielectrophoresis (DEP). For ideally conductive particles, ICEP is predominant over DEP, resulting in transient pairing dynamics. The shear viscosity and first and second normal stress differences $N_1$ and $N_2$ of such suspensions are examined over a range of volume fractions $15\,\% \leq \phi \leq 50\,\%$ as a function of Mason number $Mn$ , which measures the relative importance of viscous shear stress over electrokinetic-driven stress. For $Mn < 1$ or low shear rates, the DIP is shown to dominate the dynamics, resulting in a relatively low-viscosity state. The positive $N_1$ and negative $N_2$ are observed at $\phi < 30\,\%$ , which is similar to Brownian suspensions, while their signs are reversed at $\phi \ge 30\,\%$ . For $Mn \ge 1$ , the shear thickening starts to arise at $\phi \ge 30\,\%$ , and an almost five-fold increase in viscosity occurs at $\phi = 50\,\%$ . Both $N_1$ and $N_2$ are negative for $Mn \gg 1$ at all volume fractions considered. We illuminate the transition in rheological behaviours from DIP to shear dominance around $Mn = 1$ in connection to suspension microstructure and dynamics. Lastly, our findings reveal the potential use of nonlinear electrokinetics as a means of active rheology control for such suspensions.

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