
The study of aqueous dispersions of uniform colloidal spheres (I in this series) was extended to nonaqueous dispersions. These were prepared from aqueous crosslinked polystyrene latexes by two-stage solvent exchange dialysis, with methanol as intermediate solvent. Non-Newtonian relative viscosities η r were measured in benzyl alcohol and m-cresol at volume fractions φ up to 0.50, for particle diameters from 0.15 to 0.43 μ. A single rheological equation η r = f( φ, τ r ) was found to apply to nonaqueous dispersions in both media, and to aqueous dispersions the interparticle coulombic and van der Waals' forces of which are negligible. Here τ r = τa 3 kT is a reduced shear stress, in which r is the actual shear stress, a the particle radius, k Boltzmann's constant, and T the absolute temperature. The experimentally observed functional form of f was well fitted by Krieger and Dougherty's (1) modification of the Williamson equation, using their expression for the dependence on concentration of the high-and low-shear limiting viscosities.

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