
Lallemantia royleana (Balangu) is a mucilaginous endemic plant which is grown in different regions of world. The flow behaviour of Balangu seed extract (BSE) and its mixture with xanthan, guar and locust bean gums at 1:3, 1:1 and 3:1 ratios, in addition to control samples (0% BSE), were evaluated. To describe the rheological properties of samples, the power law model was fitted on apparent viscosity-shear rate data. To evaluate the interaction between BSE and selected hydrocolloids in dilute solutions, the relative viscosity was also investigated. There was no significant difference between the consistency coefficient of guar and locust bean solutions and their blends substituted with 250 g kg(-1) BSE. The BSE-xanthan mixture at 1:3 and 1:1 ratios had consistency index equal to xanthan solution. BSE-locust bean gum at all ratios, BSE-xanthan at 1:3 ratio and BSE-guar gum at 1:1 and 3:1 ratios indicated relative viscosity lower than values calculated assuming no interaction. The intrinsic viscosity value of BSE was determined 3.50 dL g(-1) . The apparent viscosities of BSE, selected hydrocolloids and their blends were the same at a shear rate of 293 s(-1) and the commercial gums can be substituted by 250 g kg(-1) and 500 g kg(-1) BSE.

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