
AbstractThe dynamic tensile deformation mechanism of spherulitic high‐density polyethylene was investigated by dynamic x‐ray diffraction at various temperatures and frequencies in order to assign the α and β mechanical dispersions explicity. The uniaxial orientation distribution function q(ζj,0) of the jth crystal plane and its dynamic response Δq′j(ζj,0) in phase with dynamic strain were observed for the (110), (200), (210) and (020) crystal planes. Then the orientation distribution function w(ζ,0,η) of crystallites (crystal grains) and its dynamic response Δw′(ζ,0,η), also in phase with the dynamic strain, were determined by a mathematical transformation procedure proposed by Roe and Krigbaum on the basis of the Legendre addition theorem. The temperature and frequency dependences of w′(ζ,0,η) were analyzed in terms of the model parameters for dynamic spherulite deformation combining affine orientation of crystal lamellae with several types of preferential reorientation of the crystal grains within the orienting lamellae. The following assignments are made: (i) The α mechanical dispersion must be assigned to the dynamic orientation dispersion of crystal grains within the crystal lamellae, involving two types of preferential rotations of the grains about their own crystal b and a axes. The rotation about the b axis is associated with lamellar detwisting, mostly in the equatorial zone of uniaxially deformed spherulites; the rotation about the a axis is associated with intralamellar shearing, mostly in the polar zone of the spherulites. Thus both rotations are intralamellar grain‐boundary phenomena. (ii) The β mechanical dispersion must be assigned to the dynamic orientation dispersion of the crystal lamellae behaving as rigid bodies. It is not accompanied by reorientation of the crystal grains, but is associated with orientation dispersion of noncrystalline material between the lamellae. Thus it is an interlamellar grain‐boundary phenomena.

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