
Optical properties can estimate morphological changes of polymer chains under flow. This work proposes a rheo-optical procedure to determine turbidity and both flow and form birefringence of diluted polymer mixtures of polystyrene (PS) and polypropylene (PP) during a controlled shear flow, by measuring the transmitted light intensity with and without crossed polarizers via an own built optical sensor. The turbidity in these dilute mixtures decreased with the increase of the shear rate due to deformation of the dispersed phase droplets, which reduces their cross-sections. The presence of PP as the dispersed phase in the PS matrix caused a decrease in the total birefringence measured, whereas PS as the dispersed phase in the PP matrix caused an increase in it. Both effects are associated to the positive contribution of the form birefringence, produced by the shear-induced elongated morphology of the dispersed phase.

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