
The distribution of Re in ores of the Mikheevskoe Mo-Cu deposit in the South Urals is studied. It is established that the grade of Re in the ores usually does not exceed 0.5 g/t. A positive correlation between concentrations of Re and Mo (correlation coefficient 0.94), and Re and Cu (correlation coefficient 0.52) is found. EMPA of individual flakes of molybdenite showed that a Re content higher than the detection limit has been measured in most flakes studied, as a rule as high as 0.4–0.5 wt %, but occasionally reaching 1.34 wt %. Re within flakes of molybdenite is irregularly distributed. Patchy, linear, and concentric-zoned patterns of zones with elevated Re content (usually 0.5–1 wt % Re, sometimes higher) are found against the lower content (up to 0.2 wt % Re) that is regularly distributed within the flake. Later hydrothermal processes and mechanical deformation of flakes result in epigenetic Re redistribution in molybdenite that leads to homogenization of molybdenite composition and smoothing of primary pattern, or removal of Re from molybdenite.

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