
The injection of concentrated preparations of anti-Rh0IgG globulin preparations into nonsensitized Rh-negative mothers at the time of the birth of Rh-positive babies has become a routine prophylactic procedure against Rh sensitization. The rationale of its use is that at delivery, due to disruption of the placental barrier, fetal Rh-positive blood is apt to enter the maternal circulation and sensitize her with the result that future Rh-positive babies may be erythroblastotic. Independently, it occurred to Clarke, Finn, and Woodrow in Liverpool and to Freda and Gorman in New York City that the injection of patentRhoantibodies into the mother might prevent the development of isosensitization. The Liverpool group reasoned that the rapid clearing of fetal Rh-positive red blood cells (RBC) from the maternal circulation by the passively administered Rh antibodies might prevent the RBC from reaching antibody forming tissues. Freda and Gorman based their theory on

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