
Introduction. The bush butter or plum tree (Dacryodes edulis, Burseraceae) pro- duces fruit that is very popular with the people in its distribution area. It is an allogamous tree and its multiplication by seeds induces a progeny which is not in conformity with the selected tree. The present study's principal objective was to develop a technique of in vitro regenera- tion from axillary buds and shoot tips taken from young seedlings resulting from seed germi- nation, for adapting this technique to the cloning of adult trees using regrowths developed after rejuvenation cuttings. Materials and methods. Buds and shoot types taken from seedlings of Dacryodes edulis resulting from seed germination were put in in vitro culture on a Murashige and Skoog medium, half diluted (MS 1/2). The effects of the activated carbon and benzylaminopurine (BAP) on the bursting of explant buds were studied, as well as the naph- talenacetic acid influence (ANA) and the photoperiod on the rooting. Results. MS 1/2 medium added with activated carbon to 2 g 〈 L -1 and with BAP at 2,22 μM or 4,44 μM caused the best bursting of the axillary buds and a good growth of the plantlets. The ANA at 5,37 μM sup- ported the rooting. A period of 7 d in the darkness appeared favorable to the root induction. Two types of roots were obtained: newly formed roots (resulting from calli) and adventitious roots. Acclimatization was carried out successfully on substrate made up of peat and vermic- ulite. The regeneration of the vitroplants starting from the buds and the shoot types makes it possible to distinguish along the young plant an acropetal morphogenetic gradient. Discussion and conclusion. These results could be exploited for developing a clonal micro- propagation from young regrowths resulting from the rejuvenation cutting of a D. edulis tree presenting interesting characteristics. Cameroon / Dacryodes edulis / cloning / micropropagation / culture media / plant growth substances / activated carbon / explants / in vitro regeneration

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