
Using results of the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz approach and conformal perturbation theory we argue that the φ 1,3 perturbation of a unitary minimal (1+1)-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT) in the D-series of modular invariant partition functions induces a renormalization group (RG) flow to the next-lower model in the D-series. An exception is the first model in the series, the three-state Potts CFT, which under the Z 2-even φ 1,3-perturbation flows to the tricritical Ising CFT, the second model in the A-series. We present arguments that in the A-series flow corresponding to this exceptional case, interpolating between the tetracritical and the tricritical Ising CFT, the IR fixed points is approached from “ exactly the opposite direction” Our results indicate how (most of) the relevant conformal fields evolve from the UV to the IR CFT.

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